March 15, 2025 • 10am - 11am (PST)
Many women are asking this question: Do I have what it takes? But the question we should be asking is: Has God called me? The bridge between desire and anointing isn’t striving, waiting, or comparison—it’s stewardship. In this coaching call we'll dive into this topic of stewarding your God-call.
Session is held via Zoom.
1. See the Bigger Picture + Overarching Themes of your God-call
2. Spirit-led Prayer Support + Prophetic Insight
3. A Space to Dream + Heal + Identify the Next Steps to Get Moving
4. Highly Effective Personalized Roadmap + Built in Accountability
Clarity Coaching Sessions are personalized coaching sessions designed to empower women in seeking greater fulfillment in their lives. Through targeted guidance and support, these sessions help individuals gain clarity on their goals, overcome obstacles, and develop effective strategies to achieve success.
Whether it's navigating career challenges, finding life balance, creating a life map, or pursuing a specific goal, these sessions provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore their God-call, identify their strengths, and unleash their full potential. Clarity Coaching Sessions enable women to cultivate confidence, resilience, and fulfillment in their lives.
*Sessions are held via Zoom. In-person option may be available upon request.
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Heart & Life
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Turlock, CA 95381
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